A Gambler's Choice 🏆Part 3: What to do with a project Corvette
Lyle at C&S Corvettes completes a three-part series on What to do with a project Corvette. "A Gambler's Choice." Join the discussion by commenting on the video. Also, please support this Corvette-themed channel by liking the video and clicking subscribe. www.CorvettePartsCenter.com
Transcript [Music] hello everybody welcome back to cns corvettes in sunny sarasota florida this is lyle and this is lyle's friday podcast today i'm finishing up the third episode of the three choices you have when you come into ownership of a corvette or any muscle car that is in disrepair in need of help but you're in it for short money what are you gonna do we've already covered in week one if you have a deep emotional attachment to the car week two was it has no emotional attachment and you just want to try to turn it and make a dollar week three is this week and that's talking about what to do if you have a really special car coming to your possession uh 63 to 67 corvette a 68 970 big block a c4 zr1 something that the corvette market and the larger car market has deemed special okay so this car is going to need all the same stuff that that 1984 that that other guy has from week one who's emotionally invested in it but at least with this car you may have a reasonable chance of turning a profit or at least making your money back once you make the car nice again if you do have a special car and you invest that kind of money and you have access to that kind of money and access to talent to do the car yours or somebody else's without them charging you super super high money you can bring one of those cars back take it to amicum take it to a barrett-jackson and you have a reasonable expectation that you may be able to turn a profit there cautionary note it is entirely possible that you can put all the money into that car take it to three auctions never sell it and now be out the money you have in the car the transportation to and from the auction and the auction fees so if you can't gamble that kind of money lose and still not be eating fancy feast don't do it if you do have that kind of money or you are confident in the car enough to where you're willing to roll the dice on that please understand that a whole lot goes into making a car auction ready okay this isn't going to some used car lot this is going to be under the bright lights this is going to be looked at by people who know what they're looking at so you're going to have to go into a great deal more detail and a great deal more attention to that detail when you're preparing this car and repairing it paint becomes much more important it can't just be shiny in one color it has to be really nice same thing with interior presentation of the engine bay all that stuff you can do that i will tell you this there are a lot of people i know who do one or two cars a year specifically for this and i've seen them win big and i've seen them lose big and if you are in a position where you can swing you know just roll the dice and maybe lose big but maybe do really really well good on you that's fantastic call me i'll help if you're not my suggestion would be to turn the car loose or just make a basic set of repairs to make it start and run and sell it that way as a running project because beyond that you can very quickly outrun yourself financially and then end up with something that can't go to auction that you're never going to be able to get your money back out of because it isn't done so be cognizant of that when you're making these decisions i really hope you found this helpful also if you have a car that meets this description that you don't know what to do with you can always call me i might be able to help you or email better yet email me lyle corvettpartscenter.com send me a couple of pictures i might know somebody in your area who can take it off your hands heck i might even come get it i look forward to seeing what you guys have until next week have a good weekend [Music] you