Things you can do to your Corvette during an apocalypse
Transcript [Music] [Music] hello everybody welcome to Lyles apocalypse Friday broadcast I guess world has changed a lot since I talked to you last and it looks like a lot of us are gonna be spending quite a bit of time at home in the very near future so I've been racking my brain on things that you can do to your car and still get some enjoyment out of it while it's sitting there so let's assume you go out to your garage and you do your normal car wash in your normal detail there are a bunch of things you can add on to that that will not only stretch that job out so it burns a little more of your downtime but also do things that you wouldn't normally do to the car that it's actually gonna make it much nicer for you when you do get to go out you know start having fun good first of all so I would recommend you pull each wheel and tire off and clean the backside of it really good we always have our stuff prep so it looks great from the outside but pulling the tires on a normal car wash just isn't doable because we're all too busy or well used to be too busy we're not too busy anymore good time to pull all those wheels and tires off clean the brake dust out of them really well also a great time to inspect your brake pads and your rotors since they're right there and if either of those things need to be done now is the time to do them very simple to do available from any parts store and you can get that stuff done so wheels and tires Oh make sure you check your tread depth and your tire date if your tires are six years old or older you probably need to think about in the next year or so getting tires just because the rubber age is so badly on new stuff you know we got tires on cars from the 70s here and there great six years old on modern tires is old check your tread depth make sure that it is gonna actually move water if you get out in the rain make sure that there isn't that dry rot cracking around the rim or in-between the treads look at all of that while you're in there check your wiper blades great time to replace those also as you're doing your your in-depth cleansing here if you want to c5 or c6 go ahead and pull the tail lights out it's only two screws each on the c5 and one screw each on the c6 is you can clean all that well out of there and put them back in and you won't be able to see kind of that hazy beige shadow of dirt behind him like you do every other day definitely take a good look at your brake fluid if your brake fluid clutch fluid our dark cloudy nasty muddy low now's the time to deal with that you can go ahead and put the carp on jack stands you're cleaning the wheels and tires anyway go ahead and bleed your brakes flush the brakes and get all fluid in there that would really be a smart thing to do none of us do it as frequently as we should but hey not like we don't have the time right now right let's see what else ah when you're doing the interior detail go over the all of the vinyl parts in your car with vinyl x-naught armor all armor all is not what you want to be using it's shiny so on your dash it'll actually the glare makes almost impossible to drive when the sun's at certain angles and - it also dries out the vinyl it does not nurture or moisturize the vinyl like vinyl X does so vinyl X is what you want to use go ahead and get that long bristle brush out attachment that you never use for your shopback or your house back go ahead and do all of the AC vents get the dust bunnies out of there make sure that you take the time here you go take the time to pull both seats now obviously making the things that I make I love it when you pull your seats because you may see something that I make that you need which awesome but the other reason is if we're doing a deep clean let's really do a deep clean get those seats out of there it's only four nuts to do in two plugs pull it out get the old french fries the spare change the business card from that guy you didn't want to talk to anyway the napkins all of that stuff that's under seats clean all that out vacuum it all out maybe even do a little carpet scrub in there to make it nice go into your center console and remove that science project that's been in there forever you know that crumbling nature's Valley granola bar that's in everybody's car for some reason so those are the things that you can do above and beyond your normal cleaning may give you a little bit of joy and get your hands on your car and make this period of uncertainty just a little bit more bearable we will continue to be in the shop as long as we are allowed to be being that we are an automotive repair facility and an automotive parts manufacturer we clear just about everybody's exemptions for staying open as a vital and necessary business and I believe me this business is vital and necessary to eat so I will be here if I can help you give me a call any questions you run into any weirdness I'll help you however I can smile add to the Corvette two parts intercom or call me at 800-886-5064 row six four oh one last thing when you're cleaning your car if your cleat doesn't stay up if your tonneau cover doesn't stay up if your truck doesn't stay up now is the time to spend the 39 bucks call me and get the supports trucks with all that stuff will go up and go down and stay up like it's supposed to real no brainer takes two minutes to do that's it I won't tell you any more stuff be safe be smart and I'll talk to you next week [Music]